What are meridians?
Meridians are energy paths that flow in the body. Each meridian is connected to an organ, and there are 12 main meridians associated with internal organs. Imagine the body as a piece of land along which buses travel. The meridians would be the highway, while the acupressure points are the bus stops. There are twelve main meridians, and 365 primary acupressure points in the human body. In Eastern Medicine, disease is created because the flow of life energy that travels through meridians and acupressure points is blocked and out of balance.
What do our meridian exercises do?
The goal of meridian exercise at Body & Brains to open the highways so Qi or energy can flow freely. Our meridian stretching classes help open meridians and improve energy flow to and from your organs. Meridian opening classes include deep stretching with breathing to direct the energy flow. Meridian opening increases flexibility and balance and will improve your circulation and alignment.